Corporate governance report
The Company is committed to appropriate
standards of corporate governance. Since
1 February 2021, the Board has applied the
principles of the AIC Code of Corporate
Governance (‘AIC Code’). The AIC Code
adapts the Principles and Provisions set out
in the UK Corporate Governance Code (‘the
Code’) issued by the Financial Reporting
Council to make them more relevant for
investment companies. The Board considers
that reporting against the Principles and
Provisions of the AIC Code, which has been
endorsed by the Financial Reporting Council,
provides more relevant information to
shareholders. The Board remains cognisant
of the provisions of the Code. A copy of the
AIC Code and the Code can be obtained
from the websites of the Association of
Investment Companies (
and of the Financial Reporting Council
( respectively.
Throughout the year, the Company complied
with the provisions of the AIC Code; the
Board was aware that Lucinda Riches
(who retired in June 2021) had served since
July 2011, but still considered her to be
independent throughout the year despite her
serving for more than nine years. The Board
subscribes to the view that long-serving
directors should not be prevented from
forming part of an independent majority.
It does not consider that a director’s tenure
necessarily reduces his or her ability to
act independently and, following formal
performance evaluations, believes that
each of the directors is independent in
character and judgement and that there
are no relationships or circumstances
which are likely to affect their judgement.
The Board considers that the tenure
profile of the Board, represented by the
length of service of each of its directors,
is appropriately balanced such that Board
succession and renewal planning is
managed over the medium to longer term.
The composition of the Board continues to
include directors who bring an appropriate
mix of skills, experience, expertise and
diversity (including gender diversity) to
Board decision making.
All of the Company’s directors will seek
re-election at each Annual General Meeting.
The terms and conditions of appointment of
the non-executive directors will be available
for inspection at the AGM.
Each non-executive director is appointed by
a letter of appointment on an ongoing basis
and shareholders vote on whether to elect/
re-elect him or her at every AGM.
A non-executive director will only be
proposed for re-election at an AGM if the
Board is satisfied with the non-executive
director’s performance, independence
and ongoing time commitment. There is
no absolute limit to the period that a non-
executive director can serve for; however
the Board recognises wider views regarding
length of service and factors these in when
considering whether or not directors’
appointments should be continued.
The Directors’ Remuneration Report,
comprising the Remuneration Policy, which
shareholders will be asked to approve at the
Annual General Meeting, can be found on
pages 56 to 59.
The Company is also subject to the
Alternative Investment Fund Managers
Directive (‘AIFMD’) and has a management
agreement with the Manager to act as
its Alternative Investment Fund Manager
(‘AIFM’). Aztec Financial Services (UK)
Limited acts as its depositary, in accordance
with the requirements of the AIFMD.
Composition and independence
The Board is currently comprised of five non-
executive directors and has had one change in
membership during the year (Lucinda Riches
retired from the Board on 21 June 2021). There
is no Chief Executive Officer position within
the Company as day-to-day management of
the Company’s affairs has been delegated to
the Manager. The Board regularly reviews the
independence of its members and, having due
regard to the definitions and current guidelines
on independence under the Code, considers
all directors to be independent (despite
the length of service of some directors, in
respect of whom it has concluded that they
are independent in judgement and character).
There are no relationships or circumstances
relating to the Company that are likely to affect
their judgement. The Board has agreed that
during 2022 it will begin to act as a host Board
for an Apprentice under the Board Apprentice
scheme, which is designed to increase access
to board level positions for those who have
not previously had this experience. The Board
Apprentice will not be a member of the Board
but will attend, and contribute, to all meetings.
Senior Independent Director
David Warnock is the Senior Independent
Director. He provides support to the Chair
in her role leading the Board while also
providing his challenge and acting as a
conduit for any points to be raised in respect
of the Chair. Following the recent Board
evaluation, the Board considers him to be
operating effectively in this role.
Induction and training
Board training is provided regularly to
ensure that Board members are well placed
to conduct their role. In addition, directors
benefit from training received while sitting as
members of other boards.
New Board members receive a formal induction
on all aspects of the Company’s business.
Performance evaluation
The Board reviews its own performance
annually with an external assessment
undertaken every three years. The assessment
covers the effectiveness and performance of
the Board as a whole, the Board Committees
and an evaluation of each director. This process
helps ensure that the Board’s operations remain
aligned with the culture, purpose and values of
the Company. The last external assessment was
undertaken in the year ended 31 January 2021.
The Board conducted an internal self-
evaluation led by the Chair. This involved the
submission of written questionnaires and then
a full discussion of the output. The review
concluded that the Board continues to operate
effectively and coherently, with a collaborative
approach taken. As a result of the review,
the Board has made some refinements to its
annual programme, including separating the
annual strategy session from being held on
the same day as a standard Board meeting
to allow separate focus on strategic matters.
Each individual director was also assessed as
part of the evaluation and it was concluded
that each director continues to make a valuable
contribution to the Board. It was noted that,
given her background as a private equity
investor, the forthcoming retirement of Sandra
Pajarola would mean a need for a director to be
recruited to enhance the skill set of the Board
in a similar way.
Directors’ time commitments
The Company has a policy of ensuring that all
non-executive directors of the Company have
sufficient time to commit to the respective
duties and responsibilities applicable to their
particular Board roles. When making new
appointments, the Board takes into account
other demands on potential candidates’ time
and prior to appointment any significant
commitments are disclosed with an indication
of the time involved. In the year under review
the Board assessed the time commitment
of each individual director on external
appointments. Each director’s aggregate
time commitment is discussed with him or
her as part of the annual appraisal process.
In the year under review, all directors were
considered to have sufficient time to commit
to their respective roles on the Board, taking
account of their external appointments.
ICG Enterprise Trust Plc Annual Report and Accounts 202248