Our LP Secondaries programme has generated value for shareholders

Portrait of men and women holding papers

ICG Enterprise Trust has committed ~£135m to LP Secondaries over the last three years across:

One fund commitment

And four transactions sourced by or alongside the ICG LP Secondaries team:

Giving diversified and attractive exposure

Chart: geographic exposure of ICG Enterprise Trust secondaries commitments over last three years

Generating attractive returns at current valuations

Watch more in Shareholder Seminar 2024

Recorded: 18 June 2024

‘Other’ sector includes Utilities & Infrastructure, Telecom & Media, Energy, Real Estate.

“MOIC” and “IRR” refers to ICGT’s net return and does not reflect any fees charged by ICGT to shareholders, i.e. net of underlying GP fees and gross of ICGT fees. View our glossary.
